A Cadaveric Finding Of Congenitally Fused Second And Third Cervical Vertebrae


  • Khulud Nurani University of Nairobi
  • Felix Mburu
  • Jimmy Njoroge


cervical vertebra, fused vertebra


Vertebral abnormalities are of high clinical significance due to the predisposition of cervical anatomical structures, especially nerve roots, to compression and injury as well as movement restrictions. During routine osteology demonstration, a fused axis and 3rd cervical vertebra was found. There was complete fusion of the spine, laminae, inferior articular facet of C2 to superior articular facet of C3 and the vertebral bodies. There was partial fusion between the vertebral arches and none between the transverse processes. Knowledge of such variations in the upper cervical region is of immense importance to orthopedics, radiologists, neurosurgeons and physiotherapists.


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How to Cite

Nurani K, Mburu F, Njoroge J. A Cadaveric Finding Of Congenitally Fused Second And Third Cervical Vertebrae. EAJNS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(2):89-92. Available from: https://theeajns.org/index.php/eajns/article/view/40



Case reports