Open surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome release at the University Hospital Center ‘La Renaissance’ in Chad


  • Yannick C Kessely University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Kantenga Kabulo Jason Sendwe General Provincial Hospital, Lubumbashi (D R Congo)
  • Oumar S Oumar University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Olivier L Ouambi University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Felicien G. Toudjingar University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Kader Ndiaye University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Traoré Sorry University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Brahim Soukaya University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • Aboubacar Aouami University hospital center La Renaissance (Chad)
  • André D Sane University hospital centre fann Dakar (Senegal)
  • Boubacar S Badiane University hospital centre fann Dakar (Senegal)


Carpal tunnel, Median nerve, open Surgery, la renaissance


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compressive neuropathy of the upper limb. Management in a neurosurgical environment is infrequent. The objective of our study is to report our experience with the surgical management of this condition at the neurosurgical department at Renaissance University Hospital Centre in Chad. We report four cases of CTS revealed by paresthesia. The patients ranged in age from 51 to 61 years, including two women. The clinical presentations and the electro-neurograms had confirmed the diagnosis. Symptoms were bilateral in two cases. All patients were right handed and typists. Treatment consisted of an open release of the carpal annular ligament after unsuccessful medical treatment. The course was favorable marked by complete disappearance of clinical symptoms.


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How to Cite

Kessely YC, Kabulo K, Oumar OS, Ouambi OL, Toudjingar FG, Ndiaye K, et al. Open surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome release at the University Hospital Center ‘La Renaissance’ in Chad. EAJNS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(2):82-8. Available from:



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