Paediatric Neurosurgical Emergency Operations: Clinical Spectrum, Presentation-Intervention Interval And Early Operative Outcome In A Regional Neurosurgical Centre, Nigeria


  • Muhammad Mansur Idris Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, National Hospital, Abuja Nigeria
  • Aliyu Muhammad Koko Regional Centre for Neurosurgery (RCN) Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. Nigeria.
  • Ali Lasseini Regional Centre for Neurosurgery (RCN) Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. Nigeria.
  • Nasiru Jinjiri Ismail Regional Centre for Neurosurgery (RCN) Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. Nigeria.
  • Bello Bala Shehu Regional Centre for Neurosurgery (RCN) Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. Nigeria.


Objectives: This paper was designed to determine the clinical spectrum and early outcome of emergency neurosurgical operations done in children in our centre. Methods: This is retrospective analysis of all paediatric emergency neurosurgical operations carried out from January 2018 to December 2021. Results: A total of 131 children with emergency neurosurgical conditions were operated over the study period. Majority (71.0%) were males, the mean age of presentation was 5.6 years (±5.0). The most common indication for emergency operation was hydrocephalus (44.3%), followed by traumatic brain injury (TBI) (32.8%), cranial infections (brain abscess, ventricular empyema, pott’s puffy tumor and implants infection)-11.4. The mean presentation-intervention interval was 10.0 days ±9. Emergency surgical operations done include: ventriculoperitoneal shunt (vps) (42.7%), debridement and duroplasty (19.1%), elevation of depressed skull fracture (8.4%), craniotomy (6.9%), burr hole (5.3%), external ventricular drainage (5.3%), craniectomy (4.6%), shunt revision (4.6%) and implant removal and flap cover (1.5%). The mean duration of hospital stay was 27 days ±22. The early postoperative outcome was good in 67.9%, surgical site infection (17.9%), anaemia (3.6%) and 7.1% mortality recorded. Conclusions: Hydrocephalus and ventriculoperitoneal shunt were the most common condition and surgical operation respectively. Males majorly affected; emergency operations delayed but two-thirds had good postoperative outcome with significant death observed. A robust emergency paediatric neurosurgical care should be instituted to reduce morbidity and mortality.



How to Cite

Mansur Idris M, Muhammad Koko A, Lasseini A, Jinjiri Ismail N, Bala Shehu B. Paediatric Neurosurgical Emergency Operations: Clinical Spectrum, Presentation-Intervention Interval And Early Operative Outcome In A Regional Neurosurgical Centre, Nigeria. EAJNS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(Supp 1). Available from:



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